Monday, 4 March 2013

Zuidam Distillers

Zuidam Distillers
Smederijstraat 5
5111 PT Baarle Nassau
The Netherlands

Today we visited the Zuidam Distillers in Baarle Nassau. Last year we tried to go on a tour but deu to the flue and work we could not make it sadly. This weekend we were going to be in the neighbourhood and wondered if a visit was still possible.

So I send an email a couple of days ago to Patrick van Zuidam again, the Master Distiller, and asked what the possibilities are on this short notice. He told me that he would make some time to show us around. We are very grateful to him for this opportunity, knowing that he has a busy schedule.


The Zuidam Distillers was started back in 1975, and is family owned by van Zuidam. They have build a reputation in these years of being the finest distillery in the Netherlands. We came across the products of Zuidam at a couple of festivals and at some friends houses in the past years. Mostly the whisky and the liqueur were known to us, but the genever and rum were a bit unknown to us from them.

We might have to get some samples of their products to give them a better taste and review. Still a lot of their products are unknown to us. We can see the traditional way in making the products, and the passion in the making of them. It is wonderful to see how they use all 100% natural products and that they make sure to get the best of these products to get the better end result. 


Having seen the place and the process we get more and more the quality we see in the products, and also understand the slightly higher prices. The better the ingredients, the more expensive off course. This held us back in the past a bit from time to time sadly. But that has gone... Time to order some samples and get tasting :-)

At the site in Baarle Nassau they have the distillery and production located. There is the bottling line and the warehousing. Modern technologies combined with traditional methodes. To create the best product possible.  

They make their own extracts on site, and off course with no additives for colouring or taste.
The casks they use are new Bourbon American oak, combined with Oloroso or PX Sherry barrels.
Under the name Millstone they released in 2007 a Dutch Single Malt Whisky. They began in 1997  with producing the first batches and in 2007 it was time to release the first one.

Some of the expressions we have tasted so far we found a bit harsch, but knowing that the came from virgin oak barrels, maybe that can explane that. Patrick van Zuidam told us that at Zuidam they produce their own malt wines. This is a different from the rest of the manufacturers of Jenever in the Benelux. They all use for their basis the malt wines from Filliers Distillery in Belgium he told us. They use their own so they can make their own complete product. This much enhances the flavours and complexity of the product.

A good and informative tour of a lovely company. Love to taste more of their products. Looking forward to see what the future hold in stock for us...

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